Bass Guitar – Online Tuner

Online Tuner

Bass Guitar Online Tuner

Tune Your Bass in this fast and easy way.

This may be the easiest way to tune your bass. Just play the audio file below by pressing the play-button. Start with the the E-string at the top and work your way down: E, A, D, and G. We’ve also included five and six string tuning below. Happy Tuning!

A good bass sound requires fresh strings

Few things improve the sound as a set of new strings. If you play regularly (like me), new strings are needed on a regular basis. I know professionals who change all strings after each gig. (Ahh, what a dream.) Tip: Even if you not play regularly, it may be a good idea to change to new strings before a concert or gig. It’s a bit like waxing and polishing the car. It gives that little last thing that makes you feel like a better musician. Just what one wants when performing as best for an audience.

Online Bass Tuner

Here it is, Now press play, listen and tune your instrument! Good luck!